
The Publisher: The person, whether a real person or a company, which publishes the online public communication services.
The Site: All of the sites, web pages and online services provided by the Publisher.
The User: The person using the Site and the services.

Nature of the data collected

As part of their use of the sites, the Publisher may collect certain types of data from its users:
Personal details, identity, identification...
Data related to their professional life (CV, education, professional training, distinctions, etc.)
Log-in data (IP addresses, events logs, etc.)
Location data (travel, GPS data, mobile data, etc.)

Communication of personal data to third parties

No communication to third parties

None of your data will be submitted to third parties. However, you are hereby informed that they may be divulged under the application of a law, regulation or following a decision made by a relevant regulatory or legal authority.

Prior information regarding the submission of personal data to a third party in the event of a merger/acquisition.

Prior information and the possibility to opt out before and after the merger/acquisition:
In the event that we participate in a merger, acquisition or any other form of transfer of assets, we will strive to guarantee the confidentiality of your personal data and will inform you before they are transferred or subject to new confidentiality rules.

Purpose of re-using the personal data collected

In order to conduct operations relating to client management concerning:

• contracts, orders, deliveries, invoices, accounting and, in particular, client account management;
• a loyalty programme within one or several legal entities;
• monitoring client relations, such as the completion of client satisfaction surveys, complaint management and customer service;
• the selection of clients for studies, surveys and product tests (unless consented to under the conditions listed in article 6, these operations must not lead to the establishment of profiles which could reveal sensitive data - ethnic or racial origin, philosophical, political, trade-union or religious views, sexuality or health of the person).

For conducting operations relating to prospective clients:

• management of technical operations regarding prospective clients (including, in particular, technical operations such as normalisation, enrichment and deduplication)
• the selection of people for loyalty-building, market research, survey, product testing and promotional purposes. Unless consented to under the conditions listed in article 6, these operations must not lead to the establishment of profiles which could reveal sensitive data (ethnic or racial origin, philosophical, political, trade-union or religious views, sexuality or health of the person);
• the completion of client outreach operations.

The compilation of commercial statistics

The organisation of competitions, lotteries or any other promotional operation, with the exception of gambling and online games of chance, subject to approval by the Online Gaming Regulatory Authority

The management of people’s opinions regarding products, services or content

Data aggregation

Aggregation with non-personal data

We may publish, divulge and use aggregated information (information relating to all of our users or specific groups or categories of users which we combine so as to prevent any individual user being identified or mentioned) and non-personal information for market analysis, demographic profiling, promotional, advertising or any other business purposes.

Aggregation with personal data available on the User’s social accounts

If you connect your account to an account from another service so as to cross-link your submissions, this service may submit your profile, log-in and any other information of which you have authorised the disclosure. We may aggregate information relating to any of our other users, groups, accounts or personal data available from the user.

Collection of identity data

Free consultation

Consultation of the site does not require any prior registration or identification. This does not require the submission of any nominative data which concern you (name, surname, address, etc.). We do not record any personal data during a basic consultation of the website.

Collection of identification data

Use of the user’s username for contact and commercial offer propositions. We use your log-in details to search for relationships based on a username, e-mail address or service. We may use your contact information to allow other people to find your account, in particular via third-party services and client applications. You can upload your address book, so we can help you find people you know on our network or allow other Users on our network to find you. We can offer suggestions, to you and to other users of the network, using contacts imported from your address book. We may work in partnership with companies who offer incentives. In order to handle this type of promotion and incentive, we may be required to share your username.

Data collection from the terminal

No technical data are collected.

We neither collect nor store any technical data from your device (IP address, internet service provider, etc.).


Conservation period for cookies

In accordance with the recommendations from the CNIL, the maximum cookie conservation time is 13 months after it is first placed on the user’s terminal; this is also the duration of the User’s consent for these cookies. The life span of the cookies is not extended with each visit. As such, the use must renew their consent once this time has elapsed.

Use of cookies

Cookies may be used for statistical purposes, in particular to optimise the services provided to the User, using information concerning access frequency, page personalisation and the operations completed and information consulted. You are hereby informed that the Publisher may place cookies on your terminal. Cookies record information concerning your browsing activity (the pages you have visited, the date and time of the visit, etc.) which we can read during future visits.

The user’s right to reject cookies

You hereby acknowledge that you have been informed that the publisher may use cookies. If you do not wish for cookies to be used on your terminal, most browsers allow you to deactivate them in the settings menu.

Conservation of technical data

Conservation period for technical data

Technical data are only kept for the time strictly necessary for the following purposes.

Personal data conservation and anonymity

Conservation of data for the duration of the contractual relation

In accordance with article 6-5 of law n°78-17 of 6 January 1978 relating to information technology, files and liberties, personal data used for a specific purpose are not conserved for longer than is necessary to fulfil the obligations defined in the contract, or the pre-defined duration of the contractual relationship. Conservation of anonymous data beyond the contractual relationship / after the deletion of the account.

Conservation of anonymous data beyond the contractual relationship / after the deletion of the account.

We only preserve personal data for the time that is absolutely necessary for the purposes described in the present terms and conditions. After this time, they are rendered anonymous and kept for purely statistical purposes. They will not be used in any further operation of any kind.

Deletion of data following the deletion of the account

Data deletion measures are in place to ensure that the data are successfully deleted once the conservation or archive time required for the completion of the finalities either determined or imposed is reached. In accordance with law n°78-17 of 6 January 1978 concerning information technology, files and liberties, you have the right to delete your data. You can exercise this right at any time by contacting the Publisher.
Deletion of data after three years of inactivity.
For security reasons, if you are not authenticated on the site for a period of three years, you will receive an e-mail inviting you to visit as soon as possible, before your data are deleted from our database.

Account deletion

Account deletion upon request

The User has the option to delete their account at any time, either by contacting the Publisher or using the Account Deletion menu in the Account configuration settings.

Deletion of an account following violation of the terms and conditions

In the event of violation of one or more terms of the terms and conditions of use, or any other document used for reference, the Publisher reserves the right to terminate or restrict, without any prior warning and at their sole discretion, your use and access to the services, your account and all of the sites.

Information in the event of a security breach identified by the Publisher

Information for the user in the event of a security breach

We strive to maintain the appropriate technical and organisational resources to ensure a sufficient level of security to prevent accidental, unauthorised or illegal access, release, alteration, loss or destruction of any of your personal data. In the event that we are made aware of any illegal access to any personal data concerning you which is stored on our servers or those of our service providers, or any unauthorised access which results in any of the aforementioned risks, we agree to:
• Notify you about the incident as quickly as possible;
• Examine the causes of the incident and inform you of them;
• Take necessary and reasonable measures to mitigate the negative effects and damages which may result from this incident.

Limitations of liability

Under no circumstances may the commitments made in relation to security breach notifications be construed as any acknowledgement of fault or liability concerning the incident in question.

Communication of personal data abroad

No transfer outside the European Union

The Publisher agrees not to transfer any of its users’ personal data outside the European Union.

Modification of the terms and conditions and the confidentiality policy

In the event of any modification to the present terms and conditions, we agree not to substantially lower the level of confidentiality without first informing the people concerned

We will inform you about any substantial modification to the present terms and conditions, and will not lower the level of confidentiality regarding your data without informing you; we will also obtain your prior consent.

Applicable law and terms of recourse

Arbitration clause

You expressly accept that any litigation which may arise from the present terms and conditions, in particular from its interpretation or execution, will fall under the scope of an arbitration procedure which is subject to an arbitration ruling chosen by mutual agreement, which you accept without reservation.

Data portability

The Publisher agrees to afford you the possibility of reproducing all of your personal data upon request. As a result, the user has better control of their data, and can therefore reuse the data. These data must be provided in an open and reusable format.